
The impact of our Executive Advisors is based on their personality, their broad range of activities within their portfolio careers, and their many years of experience on the ExCos of large companies.

Our Managing Directors

Prof. Dr. Gunther Schwarz

Three decades of top management consulting (BCG, Bain), global responsibility for the insurance practice and the human resources/transformation/change management practice.

Founding member and Senior Advisor InsurLab Germany, Digital Health Germany, InsurNXT Insurance Innovation Messe; various supervisory and advisory board mandates; Honorary Professor for Human Resources Strategy at Leuphana University Lüneburg; since 2015 Managing Partner of Bernotat & Cie, the predecessor company of Schwarz & Pfeiffer Executive Advisory Partners.

Diplom-Kaufmann (University of Dortmund) and Dr. rer. pol. (University of Giessen), Certified Business Coach, Meyler Campbell (London).

Rolf Pfeiffer

11 years of consulting and leadership experience (e.g. DACH-CHRO of Accenture and CRO/CHRO of CSL Behring). Focus on executive development since 2006, including co-founding an executive development company that is still operating successfully; concurrent work at the Center for Creative Leadership (for 11 years); since 2018 Managing Partner of Bernotat & Cie, the predecessor company of Schwarz & Pfeiffer Executive Advisory Partners.

Fellow of the Institute of Coaching (IOC), Harvard, and Co-Host of the IOC EMEA Roundtable. Honorary positions include Chair of Commonpurpose Germany and Vice-Chair of the Foundation of the British Chamber of Commerce in Germany.

Diplom-Kaufmann (TU Berlin) and Diplômé de l’ESC Toulouse (today Toulouse Business School).

Executive Advisors

The impact of our Executive Advisors is based on their personality, their broad range of activities within their portfolio careers, and their many years of experience on the ExCos of large companies. We are united by the desire to assist our clients in mastering their most demanding tasks, to be their thinking and sparring partner, in a completely confidential exchange on eye level.

The special quality of our work comes from the fact that our Executive Advisors know the reality of our clients from their own experience and are therefore particularly quick to ask better questions, challenge established habits and contribute to/inspire the creation of new ideas. In other words, as the CEO of one of our clients once summed it up: “Your people ask my people better questions, and in the process my people ask their people better questions.”

In addition, they are characterized by highly developed personal networks, which they make available for the benefit of the client.

Alexander Mettenheimer
Dr. Bernhard Düttmann
Dr. Christoph Beckmann
Dr. Christoph Müser
Dr. Gunnar Riemann
Dr. Marie-Theres Thiell
Dr. Uwe Franke
Frank Mang
Heiko Franken
Koen Verniers
Luc Albert
Manfred Wennemer
Michael Schmidt
Pamela Knapp
Peter Sany
Prof. Dr. Gunther Schwarz
Rolf Pfeiffer
Wolfgang Meusburger

Executive Coaches

Britta von Dobschütz
Christine Poppenhusen
Dr. Sandra Wieland
Esther Goette
Isabel Poensgen

Executive Advisors

We are indebted to everyone who has worked with us over the years.

Dr. Andreas Poensgen
Dr. Dirk Mausbeck
Fridtjof Helemann
Mika Seitovirta
Prof. Dr. Dominic Sachsenmaier
Ralf Bender
Ulrich Schumacher